The New South Wales (NSW) Government is setting its sights on doubling the water supply from Sydney’s $2 billion desalination plant to counteract the anticipated rise in temperatures. According to the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), Australia is on the verge of experiencing its hottest summer on record in 2024, which is expected to heighten the risk of drought.
Tag Archives: water
Low rainfall or drought is a pressing concern in many regions across the world, leading to water scarcity, crop failures, and environmental challenges. Climate change and natural variability have exacerbated this issue, making it essential for communities to implement proactive strategies to address low rainfall and its consequences.
The unpredictability of the drought wreaking havoc in NSW is a stark reminder of the tenacity and will of the Australian people.
Australia, a country renowned for its stark environmental issues and contrasted beauty, is once again facing the terrible power of nature. Currently, towns and farmers in the state of New South Wales (NSW) are struggling due to an unpredictable drought, which poses a severe threat. We go deep into this dilemma in this blog article, telling the moving story of a farmer struggling against the wrath of nature.
Australia is a country known for its diverse landscapes, unique wildlife, and vast stretches of arid land. Water scarcity has always been a critical issue in the land down under, but in recent years, the Australian government’s water policy has come under scrutiny and criticism from various quarters. This blog post aims to shed light on the reasons why many experts, environmentalists, and concerned citizens believe that the Australian government’s water policy is fundamentally flawed.
Australia is a land of stark beauty, known for its diverse landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant cities. However, beneath this captivating exterior lies a pressing issue that threatens the nation’s very survival: its perilous water future. This blog post explores the challenges Australia faces in managing its water resources and the critical steps needed to secure a sustainable water future for generations to come.
During the last El Niño event in Australia, major cities like Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne faced significant water supply challenges. Now, with three wet La Niña years behind us, the question arises: are we better prepared for future droughts? The answer is a bit nuanced, and we’ll use Sydney as an example to illustrate the situation.
How do golf courses keep their water features so clean? You can apply the same water treatment solutions to your farm dam
Water is the lifeblood of any farm, and for those agricultural entrepreneurs who rely on farm dams to supply water to their livestock and crops, maintaining the quality of this resource is paramount. However, the water in farm dams can often be compromised due to various factors such as runoff, algae blooms, and contamination from organic matter. This article will delve into comprehensive water treatment solutions designed to preserve the integrity of the water stored in farm dams, ensuring it remains safe and beneficial for its intended purposes.
Dams, those colossal structures that alter the flow of rivers, have been pivotal in human civilization’s progress. They have been employed for numerous reasons – water supply, electricity generation, flood control, and recreation. However, the significance of a dam’s depth is a topic that often goes unnoticed. But why is depth such an important feature in dam design and functionality? Let’s dive in.
Water plays a pivotal role in sustaining all forms of life on Earth, including human civilization. As the most essential resource, water impacts various aspects of our society, from agriculture and industry to health and sanitation. In this blog post, we will delve into the ten critical reasons why water is indispensable for the survival and prosperity of civilization.
Water is an essential resource for life, and its scarcity during droughts can pose significant challenges to communities and individuals alike. To ensure water security in times of drought, having an adequate water storage system in place is crucial. But how much water do you actually need in storage to achieve this level of security? In this blog post, we will explore the various factors and calculations required to determine the right amount of water you should store to withstand a drought effectively.
As the global population grows and the demand for water and energy increases, the construction of dams has often been seen as a solution. Dams serve several purposes – from storing water and flood control to generating hydroelectric power. However, the environmental and social impacts of dams – including habitat destruction, displacement of communities, and changes to ecosystems – have led to growing concerns. As a result, alternatives to dam construction are being explored. Here are three sustainable alternatives to building a dam:
While its purple flowers are undeniably beautiful, the rapid growth and spread of this invasive plant can wreak havoc on dams and other water bodies. It impedes water flow, reduces sunlight penetration, depletes oxygen, and adversely impacts native species. With its potential to double its population in just two weeks, controlling water hyacinth is a priority for water resource managers. Here are six effective ways to manage this invasive species in dams:
Water is the most essential resource we need to survive. With increasing global challenges, such as changing weather patterns, growing populations, and depleting resources, water security has become a critical issue for many.
As responsible individuals, ensuring a consistent, clean, and adequate water supply for our families should be a top priority. Here’s a comprehensive guide on eight steps you can take to achieve water security for your family:
Dams have long been an integral part of our world’s water management systems. These structures serve various purposes, from flood control to water supply and hydroelectric power generation.
However, as we seek more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, the integration of water plants in dams is emerging as a promising approach. This innovative practice brings a multitude of benefits that extend beyond traditional dam functions. In this article, we’ll explore the ten key advantages of integrating water plants in dams.
Maintaining the water quality in your dam is crucial to ensure its functionality and the overall health of the ecosystem it supports. The quest for clear water in your dam involves a combination of strategic planning, regular maintenance, and sustainable practices. In this guide, we’ll explore actionable steps to help you achieve and maintain crystal clear waters in your dam.
In an era of growing environmental concerns and changing climate patterns, it’s more important than ever for farmers to adopt sustainable water management practices. By incorporating effective water planning strategies, farms can ensure efficient water usage, safeguard resources, and contribute to the well-being of the environment. In this blog post, we’ll explore eight essential tips for implementing sustainable water planning on farms.
Dams play a critical role in water resource management, providing water for irrigation, drinking, power generation, and other essential needs. However, one of the major challenges dams face is evaporation, which leads to significant water losses over time. As climate change and water scarcity become more pressing concerns, it’s essential to adopt strategies that minimize evaporation losses from dams. In this article, we’ll explore eight effective ways to tackle this issue and optimize the water storage capacity of dams.
In an era of growing water scarcity and climate change, adopting water-wise farming practices has become more critical than ever. Water-wise farming not only ensures the sustainability of agricultural operations but also contributes to overall water security. In this blog post, we will explore ten essential tips for farmers to implement water-efficient practices and secure their water resources for a resilient and productive future.
Farm dams play a critical role in agricultural landscapes, serving as reservoirs for irrigation, stock watering, and other agricultural needs.
However, these dams also offer a unique opportunity to improve water quality and minimize environmental impacts on downstream ecosystems.
Droughts are natural phenomena that can have devastating effects on agriculture, particularly for small farms. As climate change intensifies, the frequency and severity of droughts are increasing, leaving farmers grappling with water scarcity and its impact on their livelihoods.
When you want to calculate how big your dam should be – use this simple formula. 4 units of storage for every 1 unit of required water
The total active storage percentage of rural water supplies in NSW dams on 11 November 2019 was 30.3%. This was a decrease of 0.4% since last week.