Water scarcity is a growing concern for farmers, especially those operating on small farms. In such scenarios, every drop of water counts, and implementing effective rainwater harvesting techniques becomes crucial. By maximizing rainwater harvesting on small farms, farmers can ensure a more sustainable and reliable water supply for their crops and livestock. In this blog post, we will explore some practical strategies to optimize rainwater harvesting on small farms.
Tag Archives: rainwater
When you want to calculate how big your dam should be – use this simple formula. 4 units of storage for every 1 unit of required water
Design concepts for a unique destination & experience AirBNB project with a heavy emphasis on permaculture and organic style. Located in the hills outside of Port Macquarie, this project is the brainchild of an innovative and creative young couple who are determined to showcase progressive permacutlure principles for their visitors.
The total active storage percentage of rural water supplies on 4 November 2019 was 30.7%. This was a decrease of 0.3% since last week. Significant rainfall was recorded near Bourke and surrounding areas over the weekend of 2nd and 3rd Nov 2019. Around 95mm was observed at Bourke and around 51mm at Brewarrina over …
Large dams capture lost rainwater run-off for avocado growers Avocado growers always worry about their dam levels and their ability to effectively harvest rainwater. The dam for Josh McMillan is completed. Large dams are helping Comboyne avocado growers like Josh McMillan ensure their water security for their stock and crops. These rainwater harvesting systems allow …