A Dam Obsession
What does a professional dam builders own dams look like?
This is what mine look like after 15 years of work that has been completed when I’m not building other peoples dams.
I only have another 20 years to go, so I’m almost at the halfway mark.
A Dam Personal Passion Project
This is the aerial view from 3,000 metres of my terraforming research and development laboratory where I test all my concepts regarding terraforming, hydrology*, permaculture, aquaculture, dam keyline design** – and the effective utilisation the topography of available land to build subsoil fertility.
It shows you the scale of earth shaping experiments I am working on.
A Hydrological Keyline Master Work
Everything I know & put into practice has been tested on my own property.
I have constructed over 20 acres of fast and slow seep swales in conjunction with numerous food forest & bamboo remediation installations that are gravity fed from five slow seep dams – 100% adherence to permaculture principles with zero pumping/electricity.
If you think my philosophy fits with yours – I would be happy to come out and meet with you on-site obligation free and discuss your plans.

*Hydrology is the scientific study of the movement and distribution of water – taking into account the water cycle, available harvestable water resources and environmental watershed sustainability.

**Keyline is an agricultural system in which great emphasis is placed on processes designed to increase substantially the fertility of soils. It uses the form and shape of the land to determine the layout and position of farm dams, irrigation areas and tree lines. Keyline concepts are totally against the current artificial and dangerous practice of concentrating run off water into manufactured disposal drains designed to remove, as rapidly as possible, run-off water off a rural landscape.
Lastest construction photos
February 2021