Dam Weed Removal And Control from $90 p/h

Has your dam become unsightly with overgrown water weeds? Now want to remove weeds?
If your dam was infested with water weeds like water hyacints and some other plants that spoils the look of it,there are numerous ways we can remove weeds and control them in your dam.
1. Safe eco-friendly herbicide treatment to bomb the weeds and kill them at their root source
2. Mechanical removal of weeds with speciality tools like dam harvesters, rakes, skimmers and nets.

3. Biological treatments such as bacteria and enzymes. You can boost the bacteria and enzyme activity in dams so the breakdown of sludge and nutrient releasing matter will be faster and efficient
4. For floating weeds, we use an aeration solution, because floating weeds prefer still water and stirring up the surface will stop their growth. Aeration will provide good bacteria and enzymes with oxygen to complete their natural processes and breakdown waste products more efficiently in dams.
All the treatments we use are safe for people, stock & fish.
Book a free 30 minute dam inspection, and we will tailor a weed removal and weed control solution for your dam.

Waterweed FAQ
Q: What happens to the weed once it is removed?
A: The weed can be dumped on the bank or taken to a site of your choice within your own property or taken to a waste transfer station that accepts green waste for which you pay a fee.
Q: Are there any reasons why I shouldn’t just dump on site?
A: If there is a chance of seed dispersal back into the waterway or the weed is noxious or hazardous to the environment or animals that may have accessibility to the dump site.
Q: Should I just spray the weeds?
A: Spraying of weeds is only useful in very small dams or ponds. Spraying is best done in conjunction with mechanical removal so as to remove dead & decaying matter.
Q: Want to know more about water weeds, pond plants
A: Read more about water weeds and pond plants here.
Read more about weed control & removal here.