There are 7 years of droughts on the long range weather forecasts – here’s the best way to prepare

Climate change is causing shifts in weather patterns worldwide, leading to more frequent and severe droughts in various regions. These prolonged dry spells can have devastating consequences for agriculture, water supply, and ecosystems. To mitigate the impact of future droughts, it’s essential to be proactive and prepared. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten effective ways to prepare for the next seven years of droughts.

1. Water Conservation and Storage

The first step in preparing for a prolonged drought is to conserve and store water efficiently. Implement water-saving technologies such as low-flow fixtures and collect rainwater in storage tanks. This stored water can serve as a valuable resource during dry periods, ensuring you have a supply for essential needs.

2. Drought-Resistant Landscaping

Replace water-thirsty lawns and plants with drought-resistant landscaping. Native plants and xeriscaping techniques can reduce your outdoor water consumption significantly. Mulching can also help retain soil moisture and reduce evaporation.

3. Upgrade Irrigation Systems

If you rely on irrigation for agriculture or landscaping, consider upgrading to more efficient and precise irrigation systems. Drip irrigation and smart irrigation controllers can help reduce water wastage and ensure that plants receive the right amount of moisture.

4. Implement Soil Health Practices

Healthy soil can retain moisture more effectively during droughts. Practices like adding organic matter, mulching, and reducing soil compaction can improve soil health, making it more resilient to dry conditions.

5. Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Install rainwater harvesting systems on rooftops and other impermeable surfaces. These systems collect rainwater and store it for future use, reducing the strain on traditional water sources during droughts.

6. Wise Water Management

Monitor and manage your water use diligently. Fix any leaks promptly, and consider installing water meters to track your consumption. Implement water-efficient appliances and practices within your home or business.

7. Crop and Plant Selection

In agriculture, choose drought-resistant crop varieties and adjust planting schedules to align with more favorable weather conditions. Crop rotation and diversification can also reduce vulnerability to drought-related crop failures.

8. Diversify Water Sources

To ensure a reliable water supply during droughts, consider diversifying your water sources. Investing in wells, desalination, or wastewater treatment systems can provide alternative sources of water when surface water becomes scarce.

9. Prepare Emergency Water Plans

Create contingency plans for water scarcity emergencies. Identify alternative water sources and establish a strategy for distribution and rationing if necessary. Educate your community or organization about these plans to ensure everyone is on the same page.

10. Invest in Climate-Resilient Infrastructure

As droughts become more frequent and severe, it’s crucial to invest in infrastructure that can withstand these challenges. This includes reinforcing dams, reservoirs, and water treatment facilities to ensure they can continue to supply water during extended dry periods.


Preparing for seven years of drought requires a combination of sustainable practices, technology, and community involvement. By conserving water, upgrading irrigation systems, promoting soil health, and diversifying water sources, you can reduce the impact of drought on your life, business, or community.

Remember that drought preparedness is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to stay informed about weather patterns and climate predictions. By taking proactive measures today, you can secure a more resilient and sustainable future, even in the face of prolonged droughts.

More reading

8 Steps to Calculate How Much Water You Need in Storage to Achieve Water Security in a Drought